

We, the members of the Maryland Dairy Goat Association (MDGA), do adopt these rules as our constitution and we will promote the dairy goat and work to develop better animals in cooperation with other dairy goat organizations. 

Article I: Name 

Section 1: The name of the club will be Maryland Dairy Goat Association. 

Article II: Purpose 

Section 1: MDGA is a nonprofit organization. 

Section 2: We will promote the dairy goat via club sponsored shows sanctioned under AGDA guidelines and a quarterly newsletter. 

Article III: Membership

Section 1: The Maryland Dairy Goat Association is equal opportunity, our policies, programs, and activities are in conformance with Federal and State laws and regulations on nondiscrimination regarding race, color, religion, age, national origin, gender, and disability. 

Section 2: All members shall be bound by the rules set forth by this constitution. 

Section 3: An annual meeting of the membership shall take place after September in a suitable location as designated by the current officers. 

Article IV: Officers

Section 1: Elected positions of the organization shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Editor. 

Section 2: The officers shall oversee the affairs of the organization. 

Article V: Committees 

Section 1: The organization shall appoint committees to manage specific tasks such as shows, activities, fund-raisers, etc. at the annual fall meeting. 

Section 2: The President shall be an exofficio member of all committees. 

Article VI: Amendments 

Section 1: Methods: A simple majority vote of the membership present at the annual fall meeting shall be required to propose an amendment to this constitution. 

Section 2: Proposed amendments shall be published in the newsletter for a complete membership vote. The Constitution may then be amended by a 2/3 majority of the members voting. 

Article VII: Procedure

Section 1: The issue in all voting shall be determined by a majority of the votes cast, unless specifically provided otherwise.
Section 2: On all questions of parliamentary procedure, Robert's Rules of Order shall govern, unless the Executive Committee shall provide otherwise.

MDGA By-Laws 


For the purpose of upholding the Constitution of the Maryland Dairy Goat Association, we, the members, do hereby adopt these bylaws. 

Article I: Membership

Section 1: Application for membership should be addressed to the Treasurer and should include full payment of membership dues. 

Section 2: Membership dues will be determined at the annual fall meeting. The membership year being the calendar year. Dues will remain the same throughout the year and will not be prorated for new members, or late payment. 

Section 3: Dues paid after October 1st will be applied to the following calendar year. 

Section 4: At the annual fall meeting officers will report on the business of the current year as well as current financial conditions. 

Section 5: Special meetings for committee activities will be scheduled as needed. 

Section 6: Complaints regarding the association shall be submitted in writing to all officers. 

Section 7: There will be three classifications of membership: Junior: nonvoting, Individual: 1 vote, Family: 2 votes. 

Article II: Officers 

Section 1: Officers shall hold their elected position for a term of two years. 

Section 2: New officers assume their position following the completion of old business at the annual meeting. 

Article III: Elections 

Section 1:  In even years, a Nomination Committee shall be appointed by the President within sixty days of the annual meeting.  The Nomination Committee shall be responsible for the organization and implementation of the Election Process.

Section 2: The March newsletter will contain a form for members interested in becoming an officer. Any members interested in running for an elected position shall submit this form to the chairperson of the Nomination Committee no later than June 1. The final ballot will include all interested individuals as well as any individuals nominated by the Nomination Committee.  If there are no additional nominees beyond the nominating committee's slate then no mailed membership notification/voting is required and members will be notified electronically.

Section 3: If there are additional nominees, an Election Ballot shall be submitted to the complete membership within the June newsletter and posted on the MDGA Yahoo Group by the chairperson of the Nomination Committee.  A due date prior to the annual meeting will be specified to ensure all ballots are included in the count.  Ballots may be submitted electronically or per US Mail. 

Section 4: Ballots will be counted at the annual meeting. 

Article IV: Special Committees 

Section 1: The President shall appoint committees that are necessary for the orderly operation and progress of MDGA.

Section 2: These committees shall meet as needed for the completion of their specific task. 

Article V: Rates 

Section 1: Annual Membership shall be five dollars - Junior, fifteen dollars - Individual, twenty dollars - Family for one year.

Article VI: Dissolution

Section 1: In the event of the dissolution of the MDGA, any money in the treasury shall be donated to the Maryland 4-H Foundation. 

Article VII: Newsletter 

Section 1: A quarterly newsletter will be published by the Editor and distributed electronically or via US Mail to all current members in the months of March, June, September, and December.

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